Bringing open conversations and HIV testing into our self-care spaces

The Care Collective is a coordinated campaign for and by Black women that encourages including regular HIV testing to our self-care routines. We know that HIV disproportionately affects Black women, and that stigma and lack of information have real impacts on how we are able to take care of our health. Ending stigma starts with learning about HIV and how it impacts us. Let’s take these conversations to our communities.

See our launch event:
The Care Salon


59% of all Ontario women who test positive for HIV are Black, and this number is on the rise.


35-39 is the most common age of women diagnosed with HIV in Ontario.


Black people are less likely than non-Black people in Ontario to know their HIV status, engage in care, be on HIV treatment and have a suppressed viral load.


Ontario’s Black communities account for just 4.7% (2016) of the total population but represent 27% of individuals newly diagnosed with HIV. And Black women are over represented in these numbers.

ACCHO together with our partners is responding to this reality through The Care Collective campaign.

Sparking important conversations where 
we gather.

The Care Collective will be a part of your wellness spaces – spaces that we know, love, and in which we feel seen – in order to encourage routine HIV screening as part of our radical self-care routines. Look out for The Care Collective events at your local yoga studio, beauty salon, virtual wellness group, online spiritual groups and many more spaces.

Self-care inspired initiatives

to get involved in.

The Care Salon

The Care Salon pop-up events bring open conversation, information and confidential HIV testing to ACB women in the spaces where we feel our most authentic selves - our local hair salon.

The Care Program

We know that self-care is about the mind, body and spirit. That’s why The Care Program meets you where you are, through wellness programs at your local in-house and online community spaces.

The Care Connection

The Care Connection goes to where peer connections happen. We’ll be there to deepen the connections with candid and informative discussions and confidential HIV testing.

The Care Package

Sometimes, we just need some time to ourselves. The Care Package supports individual self-care and testing routines from the privacy of their own safe space, wherever that may be.

In the Media

Redefining Our Self-Care
© 2021


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